Scene 1
Scene 1 of the Diary of Anne Frank starts off at the top floor of an office building in Amsterdam, Holland on a late afternoon in November of 1945. It has a large room and two, slightly raised rooms on each side. The biggest room in the middle room is like a "family room" where everything happens. A man named Mr. Otto Frank comes into the small room at the top of a building, along with a pregnant girl named Miep. It is revealed that Mr. Frank plans to leave Amsterdam because it holds too many memories. He thanks Miep for helping him and his family during what he calls "the suffering". Miep then finds some of Mr. Frank's papers and he asks her to burn them. Along with the papers, Miep finds a diary and hands it to Mr. Frank. He finds out that his daughter Anne has been writing about her experiences in it. In her diary, Anne talks about how Jewish people such as her family, were being persecuted when Hitler came into power. One thing that the Nazi Germans did, was that they made them wear yellow Star of David to seperate them from everyone else. Soon after, the Frank family went into hiding, along with a family called the Van Daan family.
Scene 2
Scene 2 of the Diary of Anne Frank starts off on an early morning in July of 1942 with the Van Daan family waiting for the Frank
family. The Van Daan family includes Mr. Van Daan, a tall, portly man in his late forties who loves to smoke: Mrs. Van Daan, a pretty woman in her early forties, and their son; Peter Van Daan, a shy, awkward sixteen year old boy. Since thay take long, they believe that the Nazi Green Police has caught them. Soon, the Frank family comes in, which includes Mr. Otto Frank, Mrs. Edith Frank, Margot Frank, and Anne Frank. A man named Mr. Kraller and Miep are the ones who help to hide the Frank and Van Daan families at the top of Mr. Kraller's warehouse. Mr. Kraller helps hide tham, while Miep helps to provide for them with food and books. After everyone introduces and meets each other, they lay down rules. The main rule is to keep quiet between eight in the morning and six in the evening, so that the workers below won't hear them. This includes only moving when nessecary, whispering, and not being able to use the restroom. Peter soon reveals that he has a cat named Mouschi, and he and Anne engage in a conversation about their school, Jewish Secondary. When Anne tries to leave, her father stops her and she realizes what "going into hiding" means.
Scene 3
Scene 3 of the Diary of Anne Frank starts off two months later at around six in the evening. When the last person has left the warehouse, everyone gets excited and starts to act normal again. Anne asks Peter to dance, but he refuses because he isn't used to girls. When Mrs. Van Daan calls Peter out for arguing with Anne, she calls Anne Peter's girlfriend. Peter blushes and it is revealed that even though Peter doesn't really appear to like Anne, inside, he is in love with her. In turn, Anne asks Mrs. Van Daan about her boyfriends and she talks about a lot of boys liking her. She even tries to flirt with Mr. Frank. Soon after, Mrs. Van Daan has an argument with Mr. Van Daan over cigarettes and his smoking habits. Anne comments over the situation and Mr. Van Daan gets ticked off at her for being rude and talking so much. He tells Anne to be more like her sister Margot, more calm and respecting. Anne takes offense to this, saying that she will stand up for herself and what she believes in and will "fight" so that people won't "walk all over her." Soon, Mr. Kraller comes in and introduces a man named Mr. Dussel who comes into hiding with them. Mr. Dussel is a dentist who is also being persicuted and moves in with the Franks and Van Daans.
Scene 4
This is NOT the Nazi Green Police that caught Jewish people, rather it is the modern day Green Police that catches you for not being environmentally friendly, or "green".
Scene 4 of the Diary of Anne Frank starts off in the middle o
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